Weather Alerts - Via Email
GPS-specific Rainfall Alerts are sent to selected email recipients
showing total rainfall of recent day(s).
If no rain falls during recent day(s), then zip code-based Forecast
Alerts are sent indicating that according to NOAA, the POP is ≥ 50% within the next 48
to 120 hours.
All alerts include the Precipitation Forecast Estimate (PFE) which
indicates the forecast amount of participation for 6-hour periods during the next five
Retrieve Weather Data - From Website
Periodically the designated person is prompted to answer questions
concerning the previous time period's required monitoring based on time and actual
weather data. The developed logs are available for review by selected individuals.
Managers and auditors can create a 35-day summary of weather data for
any GPS-specific site for any time period that the site has been serviced by
RainCheQ™. Weather documentation is available for review by selected
For each Annual Report, the developer can create a summary of weather
data for the entire year (or portion thereof) for any GPS-specific site. This data can
be included with the annual records to quickly indicate when monitoring items were